• December 31, 2012
  • Completed

Annual Moot Court Competition of International Humanitarian Law

The Armenian Red Cross Society, on the initiative of the ICRC, has been organizing an annual moot court competition for students of Armenian universities since 2005.

The "Center for International and Comparative Law" has been cooperating with the ICRC since 2013 in organizing the moot court.

The competition is one of the first moot games held in Armenia, the purpose of which is to increase the awareness of the problems of IHL among the students of law faculties, as well as to develop not only the theoretical knowledge of the norms of this law among the students, but also the ability to put them into practice.

What is international humanitarian law?

International humanitarian law (IHL) regulates relations between states, international organizations and other subjects of international law. It is a branch of public international law that consists of norms that protect, on humanitarian grounds, people who do not participate or have ceased to be directly engaged in hostilities during military conflicts, and also limit the use of methods and means of warfare. In other words, IHL consists of international treaty or customary norms (norms created on the basis of the practice of states and implemented out of a sense of duty) that are specifically intended to regulate humanitarian problems arising from armed conflicts of an international or non-international nature.

In the moot court competition, the teams present their oral answers to any area of IHL. In order to prepare for the moot court, to improve their rhetorical and court presentation skills, students take courses a few weeks before the moot court and prepare for the competition with the help of instructors.

The result of the competition is calculated based on the points collected by the teams during all rounds. Those who show the best result during the entire game pass the final stage.

Project Areas: Human Rights Education